Solving the Mystery: Template Function Accepting a Pointer-to-Member Refuses to Compile
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Solving the Mystery: Template Function Accepting a Pointer-to-Member Refuses to Compile

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall, trying to figure out why your template function refuses to compile when accepting a pointer-to-member? Well, worry no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of C++ templates, pointers-to-members, and compiler nuances to help you resolve this pesky issue.

What’s the Problem?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand the problem. Consider the following code snippet:

class MyClass {
    int x;
    void foo() {}

template <typename T>
void templateFunction(T* obj, void (T::*memFunc)()) {
    (obj->*memFunc)(); // Call the member function

int main() {
    MyClass obj;
    templateFunction(&obj, &MyClass::foo);
    return 0;

At first glance, this code seems perfectly fine. We’re trying to create a template function that accepts a pointer to an object of type `T` and a pointer to a member function of `T`. However, when we try to compile this code, the compiler throws an error.

Compiler Errors Galore!

The error message might vary depending on the compiler you’re using, but it’ll likely look something like this:

error: no matching function for call to 'templateFunction'
note: candidate function template not viable: no known conversion from 'void (MyClass::*)()' to 'void (MyClass::*memFunc)()' for 2nd argument

What’s going on here? Why is the compiler refusing to compile our code? The answer lies in the way we’re declaring our template function.

Understanding the Issue

In C++, when you declare a template function, the compiler generates a separate instance of that function for each unique set of template arguments. This process is called template instantiation. In our case, the compiler is trying to instantiate `templateFunction` with `T = MyClass` and `memFunc = &MyClass::foo`.

However, there’s a catch. When we pass `&MyClass::foo` as an argument to `templateFunction`, the compiler creates a temporary pointer-to-member of type `void (MyClass::*)()`. But, in the template function declaration, we’ve specified `memFunc` as a non-const pointer-to-member of type `void (T::*memFunc)()`.

Here’s the key point: the compiler cannot convert a temporary pointer-to-member (`&MyClass::foo`) to a non-const pointer-to-member (`memFunc`). This is because a non-const pointer-to-member can be used to modify the original class, whereas a temporary pointer-to-member is, well, temporary and cannot be used to modify the class.

Solving the Mystery

Now that we understand the issue, let’s fix our code. The solution is quite simple: we need to change the declaration of `memFunc` to accept a const pointer-to-member.

template <typename T>
void templateFunction(T* obj, void (T::*memFunc)() const) {
    (obj->*memFunc)(); // Call the member function

By adding the `const` keyword, we’re telling the compiler that `memFunc` points to a member function that doesn’t modify the class. This allows the compiler to perform the necessary conversion from the temporary pointer-to-member (`&MyClass::foo`) to the const pointer-to-member (`memFunc`).

But Wait, There’s More!

In some cases, you might need to pass a non-const pointer-to-member to your template function. In this scenario, you can modify the template function declaration to accept a universal reference (C++11 and later) or a reference wrapper (C++03 and earlier).

// C++11 and later
template <typename T>
void templateFunction(T* obj, void (T::*memFunc)() &&) {
    (obj->*memFunc)(); // Call the member function

// C++03 and earlier
template <typename T>
void templateFunction(T* obj, const std::reference_wrapper<void (T::*)()> memFunc) {
    (obj->*(memFunc.get()))(); // Call the member function

These approaches allow you to pass both const and non-const pointers-to-members to your template function, giving you more flexibility in your code.

Additional Considerations

When working with template functions and pointers-to-members, keep the following points in mind:

  • CV-qualifiers matter! Be mindful of the const-volatility qualifiers (const, volatile, etc.) when declaring your template function and pointers-to-members. These qualifiers can affect the type of the pointer-to-member and the compiler’s ability to perform conversions.
  • Member functions can be deleted! If you’re using C++11 or later, remember that member functions can be deleted (e.g., `= delete`). Make sure your template function handles these cases correctly to avoid compilation errors.
  • Template metaprogramming can help! If you need to perform complex operations with pointers-to-members, consider using template metaprogramming techniques, such as SFINAE (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error) or tag dispatching, to simplify your code and improve performance.


In conclusion, the mystery of the template function refusing to compile when accepting a pointer-to-member has been solved! By understanding the nuances of C++ templates, pointers-to-members, and compiler behavior, we’ve found a simple yet effective solution to this common issue.

Remember, when working with template functions and pointers-to-members, attention to detail is crucial. Keep your code clean, concise, and well-documented, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a C++ master.

Compiler Error Message
GCC error: no matching function for call to ‘templateFunction’
Clang error: no viable conversion from ‘void (MyClass::*)()’ to ‘void (MyClass::*memFunc)()’
MSVC error C2664: ‘void templateFunction(T *,void (__thiscall T::* )(void))’: cannot convert argument 2 from ‘void (__thiscall MyClass::* )(void)’ to ‘void (__thiscall T::* )(void)’

Now, go forth and conquer the world of C++ templates and pointers-to-members!

  1. C++ Templates
  2. Pointers to Members
  3. SO: Template function accepting a pointer-to-member refuses to compile

Frequently Asked Question

C++ template function woes got you down? Fear not, dear programmer, for we’ve got the answers to your burning questions about template functions accepting pointer-to-member!

Q: Why does my template function refuse to compile when I try to pass a pointer-to-member as an argument?

This is likely because the compiler is getting confused about the type of the pointer-to-member. Try using the `std::mem_fn` wrapper from the `` header to explicitly specify the type of the pointer-to-member. This should help the compiler understand what’s going on and allow your code to compile!

Q: Can I use a lambda function to capture the pointer-to-member and pass it to my template function?

Unfortunately, lambda functions can’t directly capture pointer-to-members. However, you can use a lambda to capture a `std::mem_fn`-wrapped pointer-to-member, which can then be passed to your template function. It’s a bit of a workaround, but it gets the job done!

Q: Why do I need to use `std::mem_fn` in the first place? Can’t I just pass the pointer-to-member directly?

The reason you need to use `std::mem_fn` is that pointer-to-members have a weird and wonderful type that the compiler has trouble understanding. `std::mem_fn` helps to wrap the pointer-to-member in a way that makes it more palatable to the compiler. Think of it as a special kind of “translator” that helps the compiler understand what you’re trying to do!

Q: Can I use this technique with any type of pointer-to-member, or are there limitations?

While `std::mem_fn` is generally very versatile, there are some limitations to be aware of. For example, it only works with non-static member functions, and it can get a bit tricky when dealing with cv-qualified members (i.e., members with const or volatile qualifiers). Just keep these limitations in mind, and you’ll be golden!

Q: Is there a way to make my template function more generic, so it can accept different types of pointer-to-members?

You’re thinking like a true C++ wizard! Yes, you can make your template function more generic by using a combination of `std::mem_fn` and some clever template metaprogramming. This will allow your function to accept different types of pointer-to-members, making it more flexible and reusable. Just be prepared to delve into some advanced C++ magic!

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